“Don’t allow misconceptions and the pressure from others cause you to initiate weaning before you and your baby are ready. Start to wean when it is the right time for you and your little one. Remember our Motto:
MyBody. MyBaby. MyBusiness.”
Tip #1 Offer an Alternative Vs. Breast
This is rough at first, but it works. Instead of offering the breast you have to find another alternative. For older children, finding the perfect snack you both agree on, helps the transition go smooth. For younger children this may be more of a challenge. ***Based on the age of your child when weaning would determine the “ALTERNATIVE”. For example if your child is under 12m, you would offer formula vs breast. If your child is over 12 months, it’s suggested that your child drinks at least 16-24 oz of either breast milk, whole milk or another milk alternative up to 2 years of age. So, you would offer whole milk, yogurt etc vs the Breast/ Breast milk.
Tip #2 Drop Nursing Session & Pumping session!
Weaning should be a gradual process, if possible. I didn’t particularly want to go cold turkey for both my sanity and my baby’s. By decreasing the amount of time we spent nursing and pumping helped create a new normal for the both of us.
Tip #3 Don’t Be Afraid To Say NO!
Easier said than done, right?! I know it’s really hard to be firm when it comes to your baby, however, it is OK! They’ll still love you. If your LO asks to nurse, you can either say “it’s all gone,” or “there’s no more.” My LO responded pretty well to, “you’re a big girl now, it’s all gone!”
Tip #4 Snuggle Up!
Just because you are not breastfeeding doesn’t mean that the cuddles stop. Take these moments to kiss, hug, read, or talk to your LO. It is all about changing the routine.
Tip #5 Consistency Is Key
There will be many times you give in and that is OK. There will be many times you find yourself crying in the corner, too. It’s all OK! Just take your time. Be consistent and it will happen. In my opinion the weaning process shouldn’t be rushed. It will take time, however, they will catch on.
This type of weaning is a more gradual process and is all about following your child’s lead. This type of weaning “DON’T OFFER; DON’T REFUSE” is usually a lot easier than mother led weaning. Check out tips for combating pain and discomfort when the weaning process does start below.
Tips for Pain & Discomfort While Weaning:
Apply cold cabbage leaves to breast to help with inflammation. You can do this daily and as often as you need.
Try drinking peppermint tea. This has been known to help decrease supply greatly. You can have this as often as you like.
Enjoy some pineapple juice. Pineapples are a natural anti-inflammatory that is known to alleviate engorgement, too.
Hand express a little milk to relieve discomfort, but I suggest Not pumping. Remember, pumping will signal the body to make more milk.
Use a cool compress to help with pain. Some moms respond well to this. You can alternate between warm and cool compresses, as well, but it’s never advised to use a HOT compress.
Try massage. Massaging the breast downwards towards nipple. I recommend massaging the breast often, and at least 3-4 x a day. This helps to prevent clogged milk ducts or more serious issues.
Baths with essential oils peppermint and sage can help as well.
Take a cool or even warm shower. Showers will become your Breast Friend.
If the pain is to much to handle you can always take a pain medicine.
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After a mama’s breastfeeding journey has come to an end, many express feeling emotional, anxious, irritable, fatigued, and even ill. Let’s just be honest, shit get’s REAL. It can be quite a confusing time both mentally and physically for mamas. Since this stage is often not spoke of, many women don’t know where to turn for information and support.
Stop feeling alone and unaware today. The ‘Life After Breastfeeding’ e-book is a valuable resource and guide designed to help you restore your mind, body, and soul after experiencing the end of weaning.
It was written to prepare and support you for a successful transition through a stage most mamas aren’t aware of. As a breastfeeding mama and professional, you will gain firsthand information, tips, and steps I’ve utilized. Your “LIFE after Breastfeeding” journey does not have to leave you feeling lost! You can restore wellness and regain your life again!