Breastmilk is amazing stuff as you already know. Not only is it the perfect combination of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins for your baby, but it also HEALS.
Cure a snuffy nose:
Drop a few drops of breast milk in each nostril. Do this 2x a day. You’ll get results quick.
Clear baby acne:
Apply breast milk to face daily with a cotton ball and watch that acne dry up. Results vary, however I saw improvement in the redness of the acne immediately.
Heal Diaper rash:
Apply breast milk to a clean bottom with a cotton ball. It works best if you apply every diaper change. I’ve used as a preventative and my LO has never had a diaper rash. Adding to baby’s evening bath several times a week can be beneficial as well.
Heal cracked nipples:
Apply breast milk to nipples and let dry. Do it as often as needed. My nipples healed after a few days.
Clear Cradle Cap:
Apply breast milk to a dry, clean scalp. Let dry. Apply daily for best results. It should clear in a few weeks if you are consistent. I do NOT recommend brushing or combing out. I DID NOT have to. Dry/dead skin was removed when I washed scalp.
Treat dry skin & eczema:
Add breast milk to bath water or make a lotion with coconut oil & breast milk and apply to skin as needed.
Heal cuts and scrapes:
Apply breast milk directly to skin and as often as needed. I saw improvement overnight.
Treat an ear infection:
Put 3-4 drops of breast milk in the ear canal every few hours. It is hard to know when an ear infection has cleared, however pay attention to baby’s cues. Always consult a doctor if you have concern.
Minimize stretch marks:
Apply a little breast milk to the affected area daily. The healing properties in Breast milk can help minimise the look of your stretch marks if consistent.
Heal sore throat:
Gargle with a little breastmilk, several times a day for 1-2 days.
Heal pink eye:
With a eye dropper, add a few drops of breastmilk to the eye. If symptoms worsen please consult your doctor.
Some would say that these are simply myths and don’t work, however, there is scientific research on the healing properties of breast milk. Hey, I say “it doesn’t hurt to try!” Want to debunk REAL breastfeeding myths? check out this link now!
I am not a doctor. Always consult your doctor if you have concern. All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only.